Friday, January 21, 2011

Pro-Choice Is Pro-Life

I usually try to avoid this topic. Everyone has a strongly-held opinion which is extremely unlikely to change. Bringing it up will only spur arguments and strain friendships.

And then there's Kermit Gosnell. If you haven't heard about this, well, I'm afraid I can't fill you in. His actions are abhorrent and make my stomach turn. Here is a link for background.

Many people will use this to argue that abortion is unsafe. Many will use this to argue that abortion shouldn't even be legal. The first step in this process is the soon-to-be-voted-upon HR 3 , or the Smith Insurance Ban. But before we go down that road, two arguments:

First, just because one person is willing and able to perform such atrocities does not mean that all providers are dangerous, ill-trained, or unconscionable. Imagine a dentist who has had a little education in another field, say obstetrics or some type of surgery. The dentist never completes the training, yet operates outside established legal parameters and performs these services on the cheap. Would the result of these actions be to call for a moratorium on this other field? Of course not. We'd all realize that one person's actions could not render an entire field of medicine dangerous. In fact, in nearly any other situation, the discussion of safety and legality wouldn't be broached.

But most importantly, this case highlights the need for safe, affordable abortion services for women. No matter what your stance on this debate, you surely would agree that keeping women alive and well is extremely important. Hmmm. Or maybe you don't. Well then, I would argue that, if abortion becomes illegal or inaccessible, cases like these will only increase. If women are going to search out abortion services no matter what the regulations are (and history tells us that they will), I believe that having a healthy woman is more important than creating a serious risk to her well-being or even her life.

The moral of the story: this case only highlights the need for legitimate abortion providers. Let's keep that in mind and not use this as an excuse to cut services. Let's not create an environment conducive to producing the next Kermit Gosnell.

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